Coffee Beans

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FAQs about our Products

When is the best time to brew your freshly bought coffee beans?

To get the highest quality taste, it's typically best to let the coffee beans rest for 7 days for espresso blend beans and up to 14 days for single origin beans before brewing. 

How will I know which beans I should get?

We recommend to buy Spro Blend if you want a stronger taste of coffee because it is an arabica-robusta blend. Best use for espresso machine.

Doppio Blend is 100% arabica and is perfect for you if you want a balanced medium body. It's perfect for brewing using V60, Aeropress or even French Press.

How long will your cold brew last?

For Black Cold Brew, you will still get the best taste for up to 7 days.

For Milk Cold Brew, it will only last for 3 to 5 days because of its milk content. These cold brews are best kept refrigerated.

When will I know when to clean my espresso machine?

This is recommended every after use. It doesn't depend on how many espresso shots you pulled that day, you still have to clean it or else the coffee will stain your machine.

You can use 3g of our backflush detergent and back flush your machine until the residue is gone.


Can I customize my own blend?

Ofcourse! Cappo Coffee would like to be a part of this.

If you are a coffee shop owner or would like to resell our products, you can visit our roastery so we can further talk about the details.

If you are passionate about coffee, we can definitely do this for you. Leave us a message on our social media accounts or email us at hello@cappo.coffee

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